Category Uncategorized

Are your little ones protected from infection?

Scarlett Fever is making a comeback. Microshield specialise in infection prevention. Anyone can use the Microshield disinfection service to improve hygiene, reduce the risk of cross contamination & the spread of infection. Some illnesses come and go quickly but others…

Is your workplace making you sick?

A study carried out by Initial Washroom Hygiene, revealed that half of surfaces in workplace kitchens are contaminated by dangerously high levels of coliforms – the bacteria present in faeces which can lead to outbreaks of gastrointestinal disease. Your cleaners…

You think you’ve cleaned up?

Norovirus is a highly contagious virus. Norovirus infection causes gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and  intestines). This leads to diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain. Norovirus is notoriously difficult to get rid of as not only can it survive some disinfectants…

Could your handbag be making you sick?

Do you sit your handbag on your desk ?  Did you know women’s handbags are contaminated with more bacteria than the average toilet? One in five handbag handles is home to sufficient bacteria (including fecal matter)  to pose a risk…

How hygienic are your workmates?

If you’ve ever harboured doubts about the personal hygiene habits of your work colleagues… A staggering 62 per cent of men do not wash their hands after going to the bathroom. And while women are slightly better than men, 40…

Fly tipping

Residents of Newton Mearns and the surrounding areas have been dealing with an infestation of flies for weeks, however it seems there are plans afoot to remove the source of the flies – an illegal dump. If you’re concerned about…