Tag sanitisation

Why cleaning isn’t always enough…

Bacterial and viral infections have many things in common.  Both types of infections are caused by microbes and are spread by coughing, sneezing, contact with infected people and contact with contaminated surfaces. Whilst it’s important to clean manually to rid…

What would we find if we swabbed your desk?

You clean so there’s no issue with germs? You might want to think again….these swabs were taken from areas that had been cleaned prior to our arrival. Whilst cleaning is essential to remove dust, stains and debris, it’s the perfect…

How big a problem is antibiotic resistance?

  “If antibiotics lose their effectiveness, key medical procedures – including organ transplantation, Caesarean sections, joint replacements and chemotherapy – could become too dangerous to perform”.   Microshield’s specialist disinfection service creates cleaner, healthier environments and helps prevent the…

Who uses Microshield?

This swab was taken from a door handle in an office: Anyone can use Microshield to improve hygiene & reduce cross contamination. Whilst cleaning makes everything look shiny, chances are – you’re simply moving bacteria from surface to surface. Inexpensive,…

Is your salon taking their hygiene seriously?

We’re delighted to tell you that as well as Glasgow, Designer Waxing now have the most hygienically clean waxing salon in Edinburgh.   The team at Designer Waxing ensure the highest possible standards – especially when it comes to looking after…

Are your little ones protected from infection?

Scarlett Fever is making a comeback. Microshield specialise in infection prevention. Anyone can use the Microshield disinfection service to improve hygiene, reduce the risk of cross contamination & the spread of infection. Some illnesses come and go quickly but others…