Tag infection prevention

Japanese fungus spreading in UK hospitals

More than 200 patients in England have been infected or contaminated with a drug-resistant fungus first found in Japan, health officials have confirmed. Hospitals are on the lookout for further cases and are putting in place measures to help control…

What would we find if we swabbed your desk?

You clean so there’s no issue with germs? You might want to think again….these swabs were taken from areas that had been cleaned prior to our arrival. Whilst cleaning is essential to remove dust, stains and debris, it’s the perfect…

How clean is your keyboard?

Up to 1 in 8 computer keyboards could be regarded a “health hazard”. They are often a reflection of what’s in your nose and gut. When was your keyboard last sanitised? Microshield coat all surfaces in an invisible protective shield…

How big a problem is antibiotic resistance?

  “If antibiotics lose their effectiveness, key medical procedures – including organ transplantation, Caesarean sections, joint replacements and chemotherapy – could become too dangerous to perform”.   Microshield’s specialist disinfection service creates cleaner, healthier environments and helps prevent the…