Tag infection prevention

Don’t be a sickly student

By the end of freshers’ week, many students will start resembling pale legions of the undead. All-night drinking, poor diet and lax hygeine standards turn halls of residences and shared housing into vast Petri-dishes incubating disease. Which is why, says…


Sneezes start at the back of the throat and can send as many as 40,000 droplets  rocketing out at a speed of up to 200 miles per hour –  sending tiny droplets of snot flying into the air.   If that…

Are germs making you sick?

Anyone can use the Microshield disinfection service to improve hygiene standards.  Our environmentally friendly process kills the bacteria, viruses and moulds that traditional cleaning can’t. It’s  inexpensive, environmentally friendly, non allergenic and safe to use on all surfaces. We work…

Are you a germaphobe? Do you need help?

Microshield are all about improving hygiene.  Anyone can use our cost effective, environmentally friendly, non allergenic disinfection service to create cleaner healthier environments.   Don’t assume  manual cleaning is enough. For more information visit www.micro-shield.co.uk #microshield #protectingpeople #disinfection #reducerisk #infectionprevention

Would you like a side of food poisoning with that?

Microshield work with restaurants to ensure the highest possible hygiene standards. Our specialist disinfection service ensures every square inch of the restaurant is sanitised, incluing the menus. Is your favourite restaurant looking after you or is there a chance you…

Have you ever gone to work sick?

Microshield work across all sectors to provide cleaner, healthier environments.  Healthy staff are more engaged, more productive and less likely to be off sick. Just because you clean, don’t assume it’s enough to get rid of all the nasties lurking…

Do you wash your hands properly?

About 5,000 germs live on your hands at any given time, but washing your hands takes just 20 seconds and can prevent as may as 200 diseases.   However….according to a recent study – after using the bathroom, 95 percent…