Tag protecting people

Would you like sickness with that?

This swab sample was taken from a touch screen til in a cafe last week. The till looked perfectly clean, the swab showed otherwise – those red splodges show that coliforms are present – these are found in the gut…

Are you a germaphobe? Do you need help?

Microshield are all about improving hygiene.  Anyone can use our cost effective, environmentally friendly, non allergenic disinfection service to create cleaner healthier environments.   Don’t assume  manual cleaning is enough. For more information visit www.micro-shield.co.uk #microshield #protectingpeople #disinfection #reducerisk #infectionprevention

Why cleaning isn’t always enough…

Bacterial and viral infections have many things in common.  Both types of infections are caused by microbes and are spread by coughing, sneezing, contact with infected people and contact with contaminated surfaces. Whilst it’s important to clean manually to rid…