Are you colonised by MRSA?

Up to 1 in every 3 people are colonised by MRSA bacteria. Like other types of staph bacteria, it’s usually harmless for most healthy people. However, it can cause problems if it’s able to enter the body or it infects someone in poor health.

MRSA bacteria are usually spread through skin-to-skin contact with someone who has an MRSA infection or has the bacteria living on their skin.

The bacteria can also spread through contact with towels, sheets, clothes, dressings or other objects that have been used by a person infected or colonised with MRSA.

MRSA can survive for long periods on objects or surfaces, such as door handles, sinks, floors and cleaning equipment.

Common factors that can increase your risk of MRSA include:

Living in a crowded environment – such as a military base, prison or student hall of residence

Frequent skin-to-skin contact – outbreaks of MRSA have been reported in people who play contact sports, such as rugby

Having a cut or grazed skin – this can allow the bacteria to enter the body

Sharing contaminated items and surfaces – utensils, tools and surfaces can become contaminated with MRSA, and anyone touching this could pick up the infection

Poor hygiene – you’re more likely to get MRSA if you don’t wash your hands regularly and don’t clean and cover breaks in your skin

Microshield’s disinfection process deals effectively with MRSA by ensuring every square inch of an area is fully sanitised, inlcuding those bits that often get forgotten like door handles and light switches. Why not give us a call to find out more.