

How far does your sneeze travel?

When you cough or sneeze, the droplets can travel up to 4 metres.  Not ideal if you’re working in a typical office space – just think of all those tiny particles landing on keyboards, phones, pens & paper.   Microshield…

Ghostbusters for germs

Microshield are a bit like ghostbusters but it’s germs we exterminate.  We use an environmentally friendly, non-allergenic fog to eliminate bacteria, viruses, odours and moulds.   Anyone can use our service – if you have a duty of care, a…

Is your gym taking your health seriously?

Being a fitness buff and a germaphobe is not a good combination. If you’re wondering why, it’s because your local gym is positively swimming with bacteria, fungus and other things that make you go “ah-choo” in the night. Free weights…

Would you like sickness with that?

This swab sample was taken from a touch screen til in a cafe last week. The till looked perfectly clean, the swab showed otherwise – those red splodges show that coliforms are present – these are found in the gut…

The Low Down on High Chairs

For those of you with little ones, this swab was taken from a high chair in a cafe last week. Those red splodges show the presence of coliforms – found in the gut. Would you eat from this? Ensuring that…

Don’t be a sickly student

By the end of freshers’ week, many students will start resembling pale legions of the undead. All-night drinking, poor diet and lax hygeine standards turn halls of residences and shared housing into vast Petri-dishes incubating disease. Which is why, says…


Sneezes start at the back of the throat and can send as many as 40,000 droplets  rocketing out at a speed of up to 200 miles per hour –  sending tiny droplets of snot flying into the air.   If that…